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Solving Problems and Exceeding Expectations

Fire Suppression Systems

Our Specialty for More Than 30 Years.

Special Hazards | CO2 | FM200 | Novec | Argonite | FE13 | Industrial Dry Chemical

Detection & Controls | Restaurant & Commercial Kitchen Systems | Marine Systems

A superior fire suppression system for industrial, commercial, retail or special hazards applications is designed to detect and put out a fire swiftly and effectively so that your people, premises and assets are kept safe, and interruptions to your business are kept minimal.

You want a system that will provide maximum protection, while being efficient and cost-effective.

We are specialists in the following systems:

Special Hazards Systems

A special hazard is a complex area in which the normal methods of fire protection—including sprinkler systems—are not enough, and where uniquely configured and highly sensitive heat and/or fire detection is necessary to protect and minimize the loss of valuable assets, productivity and revenue associated with fire-related business interruptions.

Eastern Fire Suppression specializes in designing, customizing and installing systems in the most challenging areas, from national data centers to turbines that power a population’s electricity to military  vessels that spend their time at sea. We often assist our competitors who call us in to consult on their most complicated systems.


Carbon dioxide quickly delivers clean, effective suppression, greatly reducing the loss of assets and business-related interruptions. It works well in industrial processes where flammable materials and vapors may present a hazard. It’s hazardous to humans and used in areas that are not occupied by people. We use them in turbines, marine applications, printing presses, quench tanks and spaces that are typically unoccupied.

Click here for information on the Kidde Carbon Dioxide System

FM200® (Clean Agent)

FM200 is a clean, colorless, environmentally friendly gas that’s safe for humans and won’t damage equipment or spaces being protected. We use FM200 systems in computer/server and control rooms, telecommunications facilities, paint spray booths, storage facilities generator rooms, anechoic chambers, fume hoods, banks, hospitals, museums, and marine applications.

Novec™ (Clean Agent)

Like FM200, Novec is a clean, colorless, environmentally friendly gas that’s safe for humans and won’t damage equipment or spaces being protected. We use Novec systems in computer/server and control rooms, telecommunications facilities, paint spray booths, storage facilities generator rooms, anechoic chambers, fume hoods, banks, hospitals, museums, and marine applications.

Argonite™ (Clean Agent)

An Argonite system can suppress a fire with no environmental impact. It’s effective for a wide variety of uses. It’s also clean and easy to clean up after a fire. Argonite is ideal for spaces with multiple hazards.

Click here to learn more about argonite systems.

FE13™ (Clean Agent)

FE13 is environmentally friendly, and due to it’s low boiling point, works best for a cold weather environment, such as Alaskan climates. It’s ideal for Class B fires (flammable liquids) where people may be present, such as oil rigs and railroad applications.

Restaurant & Commercial Kitchen Suppression Systems

Cooking facilities, with their mix of high temperatures and flammable oils require superior fire protection to protect staff, patrons, assets and business operations in the event of a fire. In commercial kitchens, a wet chemical fire suppression system is used to knock down flames and put a fire out quickly. We use the Kidde WHDR Wet Chemical System. Info can be found here.

Marine Suppression Systems

U.S. Coast Guard-approved marine suppression systems are a highly specialized area in which we've established our expertise, with decades of experience protecting military vessels, dinner cruisers, charter fishing boats, ferries, dredges, sportfishing yachts, and other commercial vessels. We also sell, design, install and maintain systems for non-U.S. Coast Guard-inspected vessels, such as pleasure boats.

Types of systems we use:

For galley areas: We use the Kidde WHDRTM Wet Chemical System , which provides 24-hour protection and integrated detection capabilities for cooking appliances, as well as galley ventilation equipment.

For unoccupied areas, such as cargo holds or machinery spaces: We favor Kidde’s Marine Carbon Dioxide Suppression System for most marine applications. See more on our Marine systems here.

For areas that house an internal combustion engine or process (such as a engine, generator or heater): We use Kidde’s Marine Carbon Dioxide Suppression System or Kidde’s Marine ECS Clean Agent Fire Suppression System.


Kidde Fire Systems Marine Systems Brochure

Industrial Dry Chemical Systems

Dry chemical systems are effective in suppressing fires comprised of ordinary combustibles, such as wood, paper and plastic, as well as flammable liquids. Dry chemical is used to protect equipment in industrial processes, manufacturing applications and business facilities, such as paint spray booths, gas stations, generator rooms or flammable liquid storage.

Detection and Controls

Detection is your first line of defense in the event of a fire. Detectors are used in conjunction with systems to detect smoke, heat, gas and flame, and control the release of the system’s suppression agent—whether FM200, Novec, CO2, water, argonite or wet or dry chemicals.

Source for system info: Kidde Fire Systems

Note: This information is general in nature, may not apply to all scenarios, may contain errors or omissions and cannot be used to determine the best fire suppression system for your application. Every space has unique configurations and challenges and the best options for your application can only be determined by a fire protection company who has performed a survey of the space.

All of our systems include design, installation, inspection and maintenance.

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Main Office:

1041 Glassboro Road, Suite C-6

Williamstown, NJ 08094

Phone: 856.262.0773


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